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Procvjetao školski vrt...

Flourished school garden ...

Uvijek se može bolje i više. Naša UZ Kanata sa svojim voditeljima i uz pomoć kuharice, spremačica i domara vode brigu o uređenju školskoga vrta. Rijetki se mogu pohvaliti položajem svoje škole, a mi to možemo... Osim maslinika, koji se sada odmara okupan suncem, trava divlja, cvijeće pupa.... Učenici imaju pune ruke posla...

Biokovo i masline nas štite sa sjevera, a s juga čempresi, stari borovi i razgranate palme. Na istoku pred sam ulaz u školu granaju se dvije smokve. Masline u redu pozdravljaju sa zapada. Sve cvate i miriše... Na lijep način dočekujemo Dan planeta Zemlja.

It can always be better, and more. Our SC Kanata with their leaders, cook, maids and janitor take care of renovating the school garden. Few can boast the location of their school,  we can do it ... Besides olive trees,  grass is growing, flowers is budding .... Students have their hands full ...
Biokovo and olives protect us from the north and from the south cypresses, old pine trees and palms. In the east, at the entrance to the school there are two fig trees. Olives  welcome from the west. Everything blooms and smells ... It’s a nice way to welcome the  Earth Day.








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objavio: Vanja Selak   datum: 15. 4. 2013.

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